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Rating Committee

The Rating Committee currently consists of:

Ian Johnson (Chair) joined IDEAcarbon following a distinguished career at the World Bank. For eight years he was the Bank’s Vice President for Sustainable Development, overseeing its work on climate change and carbon finance.

Dora Vardis has 17 years of progressive executive level business experience in corporate finance and strategic planning. She is currently the Chief Operating Officer of Metropolitan Capital Advisors, a hedge fund based in New York.

Jacquelin Ligot was formerly Head of Energy Efficiency and Climate Change at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

David Hanrahan has worked for almost thirty years on water and urban issues worldwide, with a strong emphasis on environmental and sustainability aspects. For the past decade, he was at the World Bank dealing with policy issues and projects across all of the Bank’s operational regions.

Dinesh Babu was the Group Director of Asia Carbon Global where he managed the overall operationalization of the global carbon business activities for ACG. He also served for the world-renowned The Energy Resources and Institute (TERI) in India in the fields of Renewable Energy and Climate Change. He has authored a book titled 'Selection, Financing & Installation of Biomass Power Plants', published by Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi in the year 2000. 

Eduardo Reyes, the former Deputy Minister of Environment of Panama and Head of Panama DNA, has over 20 years experience in the renewable energy sector, and over 12 years of experience dealing with UNFCCC. He is the Executive Director of The CO2e Emission Reduction Centre, an Associate Consultant of Global Green Energy Consortium, a Senior Advisor of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN), as well as a private consultant and member of Panamanian Association of Executives Enterprises for Climate Change and Environmental Issues where he plays a role from private sector perspective how to enrol it into CC opportunities including REDD+ National Strategy. He has vast experience dealing with Carbon Finance projects especially CDM projects bringing the concept of real sustainable achievements.  Eduardo joined the Rating Committee of Carbon Rating Agency on September 2010.

Watch CRA Chairman Ian Johnson's Interview on CNBC: Outlook for Carbon Trading


Ian Johnson CNBC